Soulsborne as an Inspiration for Games' Sub-Genre Soulsborne, an acronym known by gamers from various game titles such as Demon's Souls, Dark Souls Trilogy, and Bloodborne, is famous for the difficulty of the games. Because of how successful the formula of the games was, it became an inspiration for other developers to make games with similar formulas, and the sub-genre called "Soulslike" was born. The Soulsborne formula began with Demon's Souls, a 2009 PS3 game that was remade in 2020 as a PS5 launch title. The linear gameplay and lack of epic boss fight moments are being improved later in the next medieval-themed game trilogy, titled Dark Souls, and a goth-victorian-themed game, titled Bloodborne, which is heavily influenced by H.P. Lovecraft's works. Those games successfully made fans fall in love with how beautiful the world-building is and the emotional lore behind the difficulty of the game. The company behind the ...